Monday, January 16, 2012

Backtrack basics 11. - Installing Backtrack 5 under Virtualbox

I installed Backtrack5 R1 64bit GNOME version, here are the steps:

1) Make a new VirtualPC, select Ubuntu 64bit version, and set the other parameters (RAM, HDD - min 8GB, network)
2) Select the downloaded ISO file into the CD drive.
3) Boot Backtrack from CD
4) Start the GUI (startx)
5) Click the icon on the desktop
6) Follow the installation wizard (Step 7) - at 99% it will linger for a while, but it does not freeze, so wait patiently
7) Reboot the system, and if you want, remove the CD
8) Login (root / toor is the default)
9) run "fix-splash" script
10) Start the GUI (startx)
11) Delete the icon
12) If you want, you can install the VirtualBox apps

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